[Openframeworkwg] provider independence

Hefty, Sean sean.hefty at intel.com
Tue Dec 10 10:30:51 PST 2013

> Are we all agree on the following requirements
> for the upcoming interface:

I'm in agreement with these requirements.

I'll make sure to capture them in the ofwg-issues (I should rename that) spreadsheet, so that these get tracked.

> (1) must be provider agnostic (well, some providers may only
>     implement a subset of functionality, but that is managed
>     in a generic way),

Can you expand on this in order to create a more refined list of requirements?

> (2) multiple providers can be used from one application
>     in parallel,
> (3) changes to provider code does not enforce recompilation
>     of the application.

- Sean

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