[ofiwg] presentation from today's WG meeting

Hefty, Sean sean.hefty at intel.com
Tue Apr 15 10:22:07 PDT 2014

Attached is the presentation that I went over today.  Next week's meeting will solicit responses from anyone regarding the *direction* of the proposal.

As mentioned in today's meeting, the man page formats for the current APIs can be found in the source code or online here:


This is slightly older documentation and describes the static inline wrapper functions around the operations discussed in the attached slides.  The *details* of the specific function calls is what would need discussion within the working group and the application developers.

For a merged effort, I would anticipate that in some cases the same set of function pointers could be usable between gen1 and gen2 APIs (e.g. msg_ops, rma_ops), but with differently named wrapper functions (e.g. fi_write versus ibv_write).  An example of this was in last week's presentation.  In other cases, functions may not easily apply (e.g. tagged_ops) or only the concepts may be transferable (e.g. optimized poll CQ call).  The CM functionality and their full integration would be an example of calls that evolve from gen 1 to a gen 2.

- Sean
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