[ofiwg] OFI WG - proposed abstract for SC15 BoF

Jeff Hammond jeff.science at gmail.com
Mon Aug 3 16:33:31 PDT 2015

You run some risk of offending people that consider SHMEM and Chapel
members of PGAS, although I suppose there are an equal number of people
that will be offended if you try to include them there :-)

Perhaps you want to include something about the data/storage effort.  SC
has a strong presence from those sort of people.

I think there should be a comma after "With its recent public release" but
I am only the offspring of an English teacher, not an expert.


On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 2:55 PM, Paul Grun <grun at cray.com> wrote:

> This BoF builds on the spirit of the tutorial “Introducing OFI” and
> provides opportunities for broadening the  engagement between the intended
> consumers (MPI, PGAS, SHMEM, Chapel…) and the developers of the new
> libfabric API.  From the outset, a guiding principle of the OFI project has
> been its consumer-centric approach to developing APIs, hence this BoF is
> crucial both in continuing to develop the API and in aiding consumers in
> deploying it.  With its recent public release the BoF will result in
> broadening adoption of the API, delivering valuable input to the working
> group developing it, and accelerating its adoption.
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Jeff Hammond
jeff.science at gmail.com
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