[ofiwg] Would like to take part in the group meeting

Paul Grun grun at cray.com
Thu Aug 27 00:13:30 PDT 2015

Hi Moshe - There are actually two working groups focused on OpenFabrics Interfaces:

1. OFI WG (focused on user mode API for distributed and parallel computing) meetings from 9-10AM pacific time every other Tuesday.  The next meeting will be 9/8/15

2. DS/DA (focused on APIs for storage including NVM.  The current focus is on kernel mode APIs, but we expect to expand shortly to include examining APIs for user mode storage).  This group meets every Tuesday from 8-9AM pacific time.  The next meeting will be 9/1/15

The logistics that Sean provided below are for the OFI WG meeting, which I assume is your primary interest.  Please let me know if you would like me to forward the meeting invitation for the DS/DA group as well.

-Paul Grun

Cray Inc.
Office:    (503) 620-8757
Mobile:  (503) 703-5382

-----Original Message-----
From: ofiwg-bounces at lists.openfabrics.org [mailto:ofiwg-bounces at lists.openfabrics.org] On Behalf Of Moshe Voloshin
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 8:44 PM
To: Hefty, Sean
Cc: ofiwg at lists.openfabrics.org
Subject: Re: [ofiwg] Would like to take part in the group meeting

Thanks, at what day/time?

On Aug 26, 2015, at 2:32 PM, Hefty, Sean <sean.hefty at intel.com> wrote:

>> I work for Broadcom and would like to take part in the working group.
>> Could you let me know what is the procedure?
> The OFIWG meets every two weeks, with this week being a meeting week.  The meeting details are below, though I will also forward them to you privately.
> - Sean
> Join WebEx meeting 
> Meeting number:    206 021 941    
> Meeting password:    libfabric    
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