[Ofvwg] OpenFabrics Verbs Working Group meeting minutes 2/24/15

Gilad Shainer Shainer at Mellanox.com
Tue Feb 24 13:10:25 PST 2015


We discussed the nomination of Liran Liss (Mellanox) and Pavel Shamis (ORNL) to be OFV-WG co-chairs
Voting results:
ORNL - Yes
HP - Yes
Broadcom - Yes
Soft-forge - Yes
LANL - Yes
Mellanox -  Yes
Intel - Yes
Oracle - Yes
Unisys - Yes (Bill Weber not present at the meeting, voted via email)

As a result, Liran and Pasha were elected to be the co-chairs of OFV-WG

Liran and Pavel need to be on the next board meeting to present the working group status and activities

Technical discussion

Liran's presentation: "Accelerated Verbs"
The presentation overviews new ideas and concepts for extension of the  existing VERBS interface with "families" of communication
interfaces, where accelerated (or HPC family) is an example of such extension.

Discussion notes:
* It can be useful to agree on a minimum of functionality such that providers don't have all the "accelerators"  may fall back to the default verbs call. This will simplify application development and maintenance
* The group agree to follow-up this discussion next call.

- Intel asked if ofvwg would send patches
o             Liran responded that currently the code development would proceed in the same practices by which Verbs were developed until now
- Pasha mentioned that typed interfaces could introduce savings in memory footprint
o             Liran answered that we would need to weigh those against the semantics and debuggability of the interface
o             We will have more intuition with real code in the future

Comments welcome if I missed anything

Gilad Shainer
Vice President, Marketing
Mellanox Technologies
350 Oakmead Parkway, Suite 100, Sunnyvale CA, 94085
Office: 408-916-0048, Mobile: 408-421-0048, Fax: 408-585-0348

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