[Ofvwg] Server migration

Ken Strandberg kens at openfabrics.org
Mon Jul 23 07:31:49 PDT 2018

 The server migration is 99% complete. There is one service on the web site
side that I'm finalizing. But everything else is up and running.

If your browser is not finding a site, such as git.openfabrics.org, first
try the* https URL (https://git.openfabrics.org
<https://git.openfabrics.org>)*. Your browser has likely cached the non-ssl
URL (http), which is where the git tree was. All openfabrics http
connections are now forced to SSL. If your browser cached the non-ssl page,
it won't find the new site. You have to dump your browser cache (history),
which is a pain if you have continuously logged in sites, like gmail. You
have to re-log-in to those site (at least you do in Chrome).

If you have problems/issues, please send me email:  kens at openfabrics.org.
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