[Openib-windows] OpenIB and Windows

Paul Baxter paul.baxter at dsl.pipex.com
Tue Dec 6 11:46:19 PST 2005

> > In the last few months I've become aware of the fledgling
> > Windows 'port' of the OpenIB codebase and wondered what
> > relationship it has with OpenIB's mandate.

> It's not a port, as the only code that is shared between the two projects 
> is
> the OpenSM code.  Everything else is a different codebase.

Ah, thanks. I follow openib-general and had seen various comments regarding 
OpenSM code sharing and assumed this extended elsewhere.

Many thanks to you both for your replies. Most helpful.

If you are updating the OpenIB windows FAQ in the near future perhaps you 
could add something similar to the following if appropriate:

Q. How does the Windows OpenIB software differ from the Linux OpenIB 

The aims of both the Windows and Linux projects are to encourage a best of 
breed cross-vendor Infiniband stack matched to each particular operating 

The Windows project evolved from Intel's now defunct SourceForge IBAL 
project, while the Linux gen2 stack is a fresh, from-the-ground-up 
implementation targeted closely to the Linux OS.  As the Windows stack 
progresses it is likely to diverge more from Linux as advantage is taken of 
the facilities provided by the Windows OS.
The API will likely change to match the Windows kernel and user APIs more 
closely too, with the ultimate goal of making the IB stack look and feel as 
if it was well integrated into the OS.

< Could go further with other snippets from your emails >

I also found it easy to miss the mailing list information at the web site. 
Perhaps explicitly note a link to the openib-windows mailing list archive on 
http://www.openib.org/contact.html below the openib-general link?

Paul Baxter 

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