[Openib-windows] [RFC] IRP-based verbs

Fab Tillier ftillier at silverstorm.com
Fri Sep 9 17:22:23 PDT 2005

> From: Tillier, Fabian
> Sent: Friday, September 09, 2005 3:14 PM
> Ok, here's a shot at defining a direct-call kernel interface that supports
> verb calls at DISPATCH.  Right now it's just open and close CA.  Currently,
> the interface requires an input IRP.  We could change this to be optional,
> in which case the implementation could block for IRQL < DISPATCH_LEVEL, and
> fail the call for IRQL >= DISPATCH_LEVEL if it would block.  Making the IRP
> optional complicates the implementation a little, which is why I didn't do
> it.

Updated with a few more functions to better illustrate what's going on.  Also,
resource creation functions now take as input an optional event dispatch table
for up-calls to the client for notifications.  Clients are free to use either
IRP driven event notifications or callback driven.


- Fab

 * Copyright (c) 2005 SilverStorm Technologies.  All rights reserved.
 * This software is available to you under the OpenIB.org BSD license
 * below:
 *     Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
 *     without modification, are permitted provided that the following
 *     conditions are met:
 *      - Redistributions of source code must retain the above
 *        copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
 *        disclaimer.
 *      - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
 *        copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
 *        disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
 *        provided with the distribution.
 * $Id$

#include <ntddk.h>
#include <ib_defs.h>

/****s* Verbs/CI_UDATA
*   Vendor specific structure to facilitate user mode IO
*   This structure is provided to assist the vendor specific user mode
*   library to exchange information with its kernel mode driver. The
*   user mode InfiniBand(tm) Access Layer will call the vendor specific
*   module before a call is made to the kernel mode driver. The kernel mode
*   driver is expected to know the format and data in the input and output
*   buffers, and copy any necessary data that must be handed to the user
*   mode vendor library.
*   pInputBuffer
*       UVP input buffer.  May overlap the output buffer.
*   pOutputBuffer
*       UVP output buffer.  NULL if no output buffer is provided.
*       May overlap the input buffer.
*   InputSize
*       Size of UVP provided buffer.  Zero if there is no input buffer.
*   OutputSize
*       The size of the UVP provided output buffer.  Zero if no output
*       buffer is provided.  The kernel mode driver sets this to the exact
*       size that needs to be returned to its user mode counterpart.
typedef struct _CI_UDATA
    const VOID* __ptr64 const   pInputBuffer;
    VOID* __ptr64 const         pOutputBuffer;
    SIZE_T                      InputSize;
    SIZE_T                      OutputSize;


typedef void IB_API
    IN              IB_CA* const                pCa,
    IN              VOID                        *CaContext );

typedef void IB_API
    IN              IB_CA* const                pCa,
    IN              VOID                        *CaContext,
    IN      const   UCHAR                       PortNumber,
    IN              IB_ASYNC_EVENT              Event );

typedef struct _IB_CA_DISPATCH
    PFN_IB_CA_FATAL_EVENT       FatalEvent;
    PFN_IB_CA_PORT_EVENT        PortEvent;


typedef struct _IB_CA
    IB_CA_DISPATCH  Dispatch;

}   IB_CA;

/****f* Verbs/CiOpenCa
*   Opens the HCA for client use.
    IN              DEVICE_OBJECT* const        pHcaFdo,
    IN              VOID* const                 Context,
    IN      const   IB_CA_DISPATCH* const       Dispatch OPTIONAL,
    IN  OUT         CI_UDATA* const             pUserData,
    IN              IRP* const                  pIrp );
*   pHcaFdo
*       [in] Functional Device object of the target HCA.
*   Context
*       [in] A pointer to a caller-supplied context for the CA instance
*       being created.  The HCA driver passes this value to the client's
*       event callback functions.  If the client will not be using event
*       callbacks, this value is unused.
*   Dispatch
*       [in] A pointer to a constant client IB_CA_DISPATCH structure.  This
*       structure is a dispatch table that contains pointers to the event
*       callback functions for the new CA instance.  Any members of the
*       table can be NULL.
*   pUserData
*       [in] Descriptor for any data exchanged with the user-mode verb
*       provider.  The input and output buffers are shadowed by the
*       access layer in non-paged pool.  The HCA driver can only access
*       further embedded pointers from the context of this call.
*   pIrp
*       [in] IRP that will be completed when the request completes.
*       The IRP major and minor functions as well as the I/O stack must
*       be preserved when the IRP is completed.  The Irp.RequestorMode
*       can be used to distinguish kernel and user clients.
*       The operation completed successfully.  The IoStatus.Information
*       field of the IRP contains a pointer to a CA instance structure,
*       IB_CA, for the new CA instance.
*       The operation could not be completed immediately.  The HCA driver
*       will complete the IRP when the operation completes, at which point
*       the status of the operation will be returned in the IoStatus.Status
*       field of the IRP.
*   Other status codes
*       An error occurred.  The IRP will be completed with failure status.
*   This function can be invoked at IRQL <= DISPATCH_LEVEL.
*   The HCA driver must call IoCallDriver for the input IRP so that it
*   can call I/O complete request.  The target of IoCallDriver must be
*   the FDO of the HCA since the IRP will have only a single I/O stack
*   location for the HCA to use.  This implies that the IRP cannot be
*   passed down a chain of layered drivers.

/****f* Verbs/CiCloseCa
*   Closes an open instance of an HCA.
    IN              IB_CA* const                pCa,
    IN  OUT         CI_UDATA* const             pUserData,
    IN              IRP* const                  pIrp );
*   pCa
*       [in] Pointer to an IB_CA structure previously created by a call to
*       CiOpenCa.
*   pUserData
*       [in] Descriptor for any data exchanged with the user-mode verb
*       provider.  The input and output buffers are shadowed by the
*       access layer in non-paged pool.  The HCA driver can only access
*       further embedded pointers from the context of this call.
*   pIrp
*       [in] IRP that will be completed when the request completes.
*       The IRP major and minor functions as well as the I/O stack must
*       be preserved when the IRP is completed.  The Irp.RequestorMode
*       can be used to distinguish kernel and user clients.
*       The CA instance was closed successfully.  The IRP will be completed
*       with success status.
*       The operation could not be completed immediately.  The HCA driver
*       will complete the IRP when the operation completes, at which point
*       the status of the operation will be returned in the IoStatus.Status
*       field of the IRP.
*       The operation could not complete because the CA instance has
*       outstanding resources allocated.
*   Other status codes
*       An error occurred.  The IRP will be completed with failure status.
*   This function can be invoked at IRQL <= DISPATCH_LEVEL.
*   The HCA driver must call IoCallDriver for the input IRP so that it
*   can call I/O complete request.  The target of IoCallDriver must be
*   the FDO of the HCA since the IRP will have only a single I/O stack
*   location for the HCA to use.  This implies that the IRP cannot be
*   passed down a chain of layered drivers.
*   Any pending event notification IRPs will be completed with
*   STATUS_CANCELLED before the function returns.

/****f* Verbs/CiGetCaFatalEvent
*   Queues a request for HCA catastrophic error notification.
    IN              IB_CA* const                pCa,
    IN              IRP* const                  pIrp );
*   pCa
*       [in] Pointer to an IB_CA structure previously created by a call to
*       CiOpenCa.
*   pIrp
*       [in] IRP that will be completed when a local catastrophic error
*       occurs on the HCA.  The IRP major and minor functions as well as
*       the I/O stack must be preserved when the IRP is completed.  The
*       Irp.RequestorMode can be used to distinguish kernel and user clients.
*       The CA instance experienced a fatal error and should be closed.
*       The IRP will be completed with success status.
*       The operation could not be completed immediately.  The HCA driver
*       will complete the IRP when the operation completes, at which point
*       the status of the operation will be returned in the IoStatus.Status
*       field of the IRP.
*   Other status codes
*       An error occurred.  The IRP will be completed with failure status.
*   This function can be invoked at IRQL <= DISPATCH_LEVEL.
*   The HCA driver must call IoCallDriver for the input IRP so that it
*   can call I/O complete request.  The target of IoCallDriver must be
*   the FDO of the HCA since the IRP will have only a single I/O stack
*   location for the HCA to use.  This implies that the IRP cannot be
*   passed down a chain of layered drivers.
*   The HCA driver must set a cancel routine to allow clients to cancel
*   the notification request.
*   A client can queue up mutiple requests for notification.  Only one
*   request is completed per event.  All such requests are completed with
*   STATUS_CANCELLED if the IB_CA instance is closed.

/****f* Verbs/CiGetCaPortEvent
*   Queues a requests for port event notification.
    IN              IB_CA* const                pCa,
    IN      const   UCHAR                       PortNumber,
    IN              IRP* const                  pIrp );
*   pCa
*       [in] Pointer to an IB_CA structure previously created by a call to
*       CiOpenCa.
*   PortNumber
*       [in] Port number to which the notification request is targetted.
*   pIrp
*       [in] IRP that will be completed when the request completes.
*       The IRP major and minor functions as well as the I/O stack must
*       be preserved when the IRP is completed.  The Irp.RequestorMode
*       can be used to distinguish kernel and user clients.
*       The CA instance experienced a port event.  The IoStatus.Information
*       member of the IRP is updated with the IB_ASYNC_EVENT value.  The IRP
*       will be completed with success status.
*       The operation could not be completed immediately.  The HCA driver
*       will complete the IRP when the operation completes, at which point
*       the status of the operation will be returned in the IoStatus.Status
*       field of the IRP and the IB_ASYNC_EVENT will be returned in the
*       IoStatus.Information field of the IRP.
*   Other status codes
*       An error occurred.  The IRP will be completed with failure status.
*   This function can be invoked at IRQL <= DISPATCH_LEVEL.
*   The HCA driver must call IoCallDriver for the input IRP so that it
*   can call I/O complete request.  The target of IoCallDriver must be
*   the FDO of the HCA since the IRP will have only a single I/O stack
*   location for the HCA to use.  This implies that the IRP cannot be
*   passed down a chain of layered drivers.
*   The HCA driver must set a cancel routine to allow clients to cancel
*   the notification request.
*   A client can queue up mutiple requests for notification.  Only one
*   request is completed per event.  All such requests are completed with
*   STATUS_CANCELLED if the IB_CA instance is closed.

/****f* Verbs/CiQueryCa
*   Queries an HCA for its attributes.
    IN              IB_CA* const                pCa,
    IN      const   SIZE_T                      AttrSize,
        OUT         IB_CA_ATTR* const           pAttr,
    IN              IRP* const                  pIrp );
*   pCa
*       [in] Pointer to an IB_CA structure previously created by a call to
*       CiOpenCa.
*   pAttrSize
*       [in] Size of the attributes buffer referenced by the pAttr parameter.
*   pAttr
*       [out] CA attribute of this Host Channel adapter.
*   pIrp
*       [in] IRP that will be completed when the request completes.
*       The IRP major and minor functions as well as the I/O stack must
*       be preserved when the IRP is completed.  The Irp.RequestorMode
*       can be used to distinguish kernel and user clients.
*       The full CA attributes, including port attributes and their GID
*       and PKEY tables, were successfully copied to the attribute buffer.
*       The IoStatus.Information field of the IRP is updated to indicate
*       the number of bytes returned.
*       The operation could not be completed immediately.  The HCA driver
*       will complete the IRP when the operation completes, at which point
*       the status of the operation will be returned in the IoStatus.Status
*       field and the number of bytes returned in the IoStatus.Information
*       field of the IRP.
*       The operation completed but returned only partial attributes.  Full
*       attributes were not returned due to insufficient space.  The size
*       required to get the full attributes is returned in the Size field
*       of the IB_CA_ATTR structure.  The IoStatus.Information field of the
*       IRP is updated to indicate the number of bytes returned.
*       The pAttr buffer was too small to return any information.  At a
*       minimum, the buffer must be the 4 bytes to allow the required
*       size to be returned.
*       The CA is no longer functional.  The IRP will be completed with
*       failure status.  The client must release all resources and close
*       the CA as soon as possible.
*   Other status codes
*       An error occurred.  The IRP will be completed with failure status.
*   This function can be invoked at IRQL <= DISPATCH_LEVEL.
*   The HCA driver must call IoCallDriver for the input IRP so that it
*   can call I/O complete request.  The target of IoCallDriver must be
*   the FDO of the HCA since the IRP will have only a single I/O stack
*   location for the HCA to use.  This implies that the IRP cannot be
*   passed down a chain of layered drivers.

/****f* Verbs/CiQueryPort
*   Queries an HCA for one of its port attributes.
    IN              IB_CA* const                pCa,
    IN      const   UCHAR                       PortNumber,
    IN      const   SIZE_T                      AttrSize,
        OUT         IB_PORT_ATTR* const         pAttr,
    IN              IRP* const                  pIrp );
*   pCa
*       [in] Pointer to an IB_CA structure previously created by a call to
*       CiOpenCa.
*   PortNumber
*       [in] 1-based port number targetted by this request.
*   pAttrSize
*       [in] Size of the attributes buffer referenced by the pAttr parameter.
*   pAttr
*       [out] CA attribute of this Host Channel adapter.
*   pIrp
*       [in] IRP that will be completed when the request completes.
*       The IRP major and minor functions as well as the I/O stack must
*       be preserved when the IRP is completed.  The Irp.RequestorMode
*       can be used to distinguish kernel and user clients.
*       The full port attributes, including the GID and PKEY tables, were
*       successfully copied to the attribute buffer.
*       The IoStatus.Information field of the IRP is updated to indicate
*       the number of bytes returned.
*       The operation could not be completed immediately.  The HCA driver
*       will complete the IRP when the operation completes, at which point
*       the status of the operation will be returned in the IoStatus.Status
*       field and the number of bytes returned in the IoStatus.Information
*       field of the IRP.
*       The operation completed but returned only partial attributes.  Full
*       attributes were not returned due to insufficient space.  The size
*       required to get the full attributes is returned in the Size field
*       of the IB_PORT_ATTR structure.  The IoStatus.Information field of
*       the IRP is updated to indicate the number of bytes returned.
*       The pAttr buffer was too small to return any information.  At a
*       minimum, the buffer must be the 4 bytes to allow the required
*       size to be returned.
*       The CA is no longer functional.  The IRP will be completed with
*       failure status.  The client must release all resources and close
*       the CA as soon as possible.
*   Other status codes
*       An error occurred.  The IRP will be completed with failure status.
*   This function can be invoked at IRQL <= DISPATCH_LEVEL.
*   The HCA driver must call IoCallDriver for the input IRP so that it
*   can call I/O complete request.  The target of IoCallDriver must be
*   the FDO of the HCA since the IRP will have only a single I/O stack
*   location for the HCA to use.  This implies that the IRP cannot be
*   passed down a chain of layered drivers.

/****f* Verbs/CiModifyCa
*   Modify the attributes of a Channel Adapter.
    IN              IB_CA* const                pCa,
    IN      const   ULONG                       Flags,
    IN      const   IB_MODIFY_CA* const         pModify,
    IN              IRP* const                  pIrp );
*   pCa
*       [in] Pointer to an IB_CA structure previously created by a call to
*       CiOpenCa.
*   Flags
*       [in] Combination of IB_MODIFY_CA_FLAGS values indicating which
*       fields are valid in the IB_MODIFY_CA structure.
*   pModify
*       [in] Pointer to an IB_MODIFY_CA structure with the fields specified
*       by the Flags parameter set to the desired values.
*   pIrp
*       [in] IRP that will be completed when the request completes.
*       The IRP major and minor functions as well as the I/O stack must
*       be preserved when the IRP is completed.  The Irp.RequestorMode
*       can be used to distinguish kernel and user clients.
*       The CA was modified successfully.
*       The operation could not be completed immediately.  The HCA driver
*       will complete the IRP when the operation completes, at which point
*       the status of the operation will be returned in the IoStatus.Status
*       field of the IRP.
*       The CA is no longer functional.  The IRP will be completed with
*       failure status.  The client must release all resources and close
*       the CA as soon as possible.
*   Other status codes
*       An error occurred.  The IRP will be completed with failure status.
*   This function can be invoked at IRQL <= DISPATCH_LEVEL.
*   The HCA driver must call IoCallDriver for the input IRP so that it
*   can call I/O complete request.  The target of IoCallDriver must be
*   the FDO of the HCA since the IRP will have only a single I/O stack
*   location for the HCA to use.  This implies that the IRP cannot be
*   passed down a chain of layered drivers.

/****f* Verbs/CiModifyPort
*   Modify the attributes of a Channel Adapter's port.
    IN              IB_CA* const                pCa,
    IN      const   UCHAR                       PortNumber,
    IN      const   ULONG                       Flags,
    IN      const   IB_MODIFY_PORT* const       pModify,
    IN              IRP* const                  pIrp );
*   pCa
*       [in] Pointer to an IB_CA structure previously created by a call to
*       CiOpenCa.
*   PortNumber
*       [in] 1-based port number targetted by this request.
*   Flags
*       [in] Combination of IB_MODIFY_CA_FLAGS values indicating which
*       fields are valid in the IB_MODIFY_CA structure.
*   pModify
*       [in] Pointer to an IB_MODIFY_CA structure with the fields specified
*       by the Flags parameter set to the desired values.
*   pIrp
*       [in] IRP that will be completed when the request completes.
*       The IRP major and minor functions as well as the I/O stack must
*       be preserved when the IRP is completed.  The Irp.RequestorMode
*       can be used to distinguish kernel and user clients.
*       The CA's port was modified successfully.
*       The operation could not be completed immediately.  The HCA driver
*       will complete the IRP when the operation completes, at which point
*       the status of the operation will be returned in the IoStatus.Status
*       field of the IRP.
*       The requested capabilities conflict with existing capabilities.
*       This can occur if multiple clients try to bits such as
*       IB_PORT_CAP_IS_SM or IB_PORT_CAP_CM_SUP bits in the port
*       capabilities.
*       The CA is no longer functional.  The IRP will be completed with
*       failure status.  The client must release all resources and close
*       the CA as soon as possible.
*   Other status codes
*       An error occurred.  The IRP will be completed with failure status.
*   This function can be invoked at IRQL <= DISPATCH_LEVEL.
*   The HCA driver must call IoCallDriver for the input IRP so that it
*   can call I/O complete request.  The target of IoCallDriver must be
*   the FDO of the HCA since the IRP will have only a single I/O stack
*   location for the HCA to use.  This implies that the IRP cannot be
*   passed down a chain of layered drivers.

typedef void
    IN              VOID                        *CqContext );

typedef void
    IN              VOID                        *CqContext,
    IN              IB_ASYNC_EVENT              Event );

typedef struct IB_CQ_DISPATCH
    PFN_IB_CQ_COMP_EVENT    CompEvent;
    PFN_IB_CQ_ASYNC_EVENT   AsyncEvent;

typedef struct IB_CQ
    IB_CQ_DISPATCH      Dispatch;
    ULONG               NumCqes;

/****f* Verbs/CiCreateCq
*   Create a Completion Queue.
    IN              IB_CA* const                pCa,
    IN              ULONG const                 NumCqes,
    IN              VOID* const                 Context,
    IN      const   IB_CQ_DISPATCH* const       Dispatch OPTIONAL,
    IN  OUT         CI_UDATA* const             pUserData,
    IN              IRP* const                  pIrp );
*   pCa
*       [in] Pointer to an IB_CA structure previously created by a call to
*       CiOpenCa.
*   NumCqes
*       [in] Number of CQ entries requested by the consumer.
*   Context
*       [in] A pointer to a caller-supplied context for the CQ being
*       created.  The HCA driver passes this value to the client's
*       event callback functions.  If the client will not be using event
*       callbacks, this value is unused.
*   Dispatch
*       [in] A pointer to a constant client IB_CQ_DISPATCH structure.  This
*       structure is a dispatch table that contains pointers to the event
*       callback functions for the new CA instance.  Any members of the
*       table can be NULL.
*   pUserData
*       [in] Descriptor for any data exchanged with the user-mode verb
*       provider.  The input and output buffers are shadowed by the
*       access layer in non-paged pool.  The HCA driver can only access
*       further embedded pointers from the context of this call.
*   pIrp
*       [in] IRP that will be completed when the request completes.
*       The IRP major and minor functions as well as the I/O stack must
*       be preserved when the IRP is completed.  The Irp.RequestorMode
*       can be used to distinguish kernel and user clients.
*       The CQ was created successfully.  The IB_CQ structure is returned
*       in the IoStatus.Information field of the IRP.  The IB_CQ structure
*       contains the actual number of CQ entries allocated for the CQ.
*       The operation could not be completed immediately.  The HCA driver
*       will complete the IRP when the operation completes, at which point
*       the status of the operation will be returned in the IoStatus.Status
*       field and the IB_CQ structure in the IoStatus.Information field of
*       the IRP.  The IB_CQ structure contains the actual number of CQ
*       entries allocated for the CQ.
*       The CA is no longer functional.  The IRP will be completed with
*       failure status.  The client must release all resources and close
*       the CA as soon as possible.
*   Other status codes
*       An error occurred.  The IRP will be completed with failure status.
*   This function can be invoked at IRQL <= DISPATCH_LEVEL.
*   The HCA driver must call IoCallDriver for the input IRP so that it
*   can call I/O complete request.  The target of IoCallDriver must be
*   the FDO of the HCA since the IRP will have only a single I/O stack
*   location for the HCA to use.  This implies that the IRP cannot be
*   passed down a chain of layered drivers.

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