[Openib-windows] [PATCH] post send\recv return values

Fabian Tillier ftillier at silverstorm.com
Tue Mar 14 08:07:01 PST 2006

On 3/13/06, Yossi Leybovich <sleybo at mellanox.co.il> wrote:
> Fab
> Attached patch that eliminate some return values from eth post
> operations.
> This will simplify the IBAL\mthca behavior.

This is totally wrong.  Unless you can show me that this has a
performance benefit, obscuring the error codes actually hurts users of
the API by making it difficult to figure out why a call failed.

The HCA driver has to perform the checks independently.  Returning a
different error code for each does not add any overhead.  Does it
really simplify the driver behavior?  IBAL will just forward back
whatever the HCA returns.  The HCA driver does the checks already, so
it would only be a convenience to the HCA driver developer at the
expense of everyone else.

- Fab

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