[ofw] [PATCH] affinity options

Leonid Keller leonid at mellanox.co.il
Mon Apr 7 04:20:05 PDT 2008

Done in rev. 1047, thank you.


	From: ofw-bounces at lists.openfabrics.org
[mailto:ofw-bounces at lists.openfabrics.org] On Behalf Of Slava Strebkov
	Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 5:47 PM
	To: ofw at lists.openfabrics.org
	Subject: [ofw] [PATCH] affinity options


	The following patch provides a way to user to specify the cpu
affinity mask.

	Setting the value of ProcessorAffinity to FFFFFFFF binds
interrupt to last cpu on machine.


	Index: hw/mthca/kernel/hca_pnp.c


	--- hw/mthca/kernel/hca_pnp.c   (revision 1031)

	+++ hw/mthca/kernel/hca_pnp.c (working copy)

	@@ -678,6 +678,29 @@

	                        if( pHcaRes->Type ==
CmResourceTypeInterrupt )


	                                    p_ext->interruptInfo =

	+            if ( g_processor_affinity == 0xFFFFFFFF ) 

	+                                  {

	+                                              /* 

	+                                              * Calculate the
mask of the last processor

	+                                              */

	+                                              KAFFINITY

	+                                              uint32_t
last_processor_mask = 0 , tmp_processor_mask = 1;


n_active_processors_bitmask = KeQueryActiveProcessors();

	+                while ( tmp_processor_mask &
n_active_processors_bitmask )

	+                                              {

last_processor_mask = tmp_processor_mask;

tmp_processor_mask = tmp_processor_mask << 1;

	+                                              }

p_ext->interruptInfo.u.Interrupt.Affinity = last_processor_mask; 

	+                                  }

	+                                  else if (g_processor_affinity
!= 0) 

	+                                  {

p_ext->interruptInfo.u.Interrupt.Affinity = g_processor_affinity;

	+                                  }

	+                                  HCA_PRINT(
TRACE_LEVEL_INFORMATION, HCA_DBG_PNP,("Set Interrupt affinity to :

(int)p_ext->interruptInfo.u.Interrupt.Affinity ));





	Index: hw/mthca/kernel/mt_l2w.c


	--- hw/mthca/kernel/mt_l2w.c      (revision 1031)

	+++ hw/mthca/kernel/mt_l2w.c    (working copy)

	@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@

	                        (BOOLEAN)((int_info->Flags ==

	                        Latched : LevelSensitive),
/* interrupt type: LATCHED or LEVEL */

	                        (BOOLEAN)(int_info->ShareDisposition ==
CmResourceShareShared),    /* vector shared or not */

	-                       g_processor_affinity ?
g_processor_affinity : (KAFFINITY)int_info->u.Interrupt.Affinity,
/* interrupt affinity */

(KAFFINITY)int_info->u.Interrupt.Affinity,            /* interrupt
affinity */

/* whether to save Float registers */




	Slava Strebkov

	SW Engineer




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