[ofw] WDK build environment migration thoughts

Sean Hefty sean.hefty at intel.com
Wed Apr 30 14:34:44 PDT 2008

Does anyone else get build failures trying to build the trunk with the WDK?

I see a lot of errors along the lines of:

1>warnings in directory c:\mshefty\scm\winof\trunk\core\complib\user
1>c:\winddk\6001.18000\inc\api\common.ver(197) : warning RC4003: not enough actu
al parameters for macro 'VER_FILEVERSION_STR2'
1>errors in directory c:\mshefty\scm\winof\trunk\core\complib\user
1>c:\winddk\6001.18000\inc\api\common.ver(184) : error RC2127 : version WORDs se
parated by commas expected
1>c:\winddk\6001.18000\inc\api\common.ver(184) : error RC2167 : unrecognized VER
SIONINFO field;  BEGIN or comma expected

- Sean

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