[ofw] [PATCH 7/9] mthca/pnp: respond to query interface

Sean Hefty sean.hefty at intel.com
Thu Jun 26 11:13:16 PDT 2008

>Why do you remove "livefish" functionality ?
>It's needed in case of incorrect FW.

I had removed it to avoid crashing when a query interface arrived at the HCA after a PnP device add event.  From what I
could determine, livefish was used in this context simply to avoid setting specific interface functions.
I did eventually end up changing winverbs to delay its query interface call until it received a PnP D0 power event, so
it may be possible to add it back.  The interface wasn't usable until then anyway.  I guess we can trust kernel clients
not to generate a query interface call until the D0 power event.

>You can add the same stuff in mlx4\kernel\hca\drv.c

Thanks - that saves me some searching.

- Sean

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