[ofw] patch 2/2 Add support for RDMAoEth to the low level driver

Sean Hefty sean.hefty at intel.com
Thu Dec 3 16:02:26 PST 2009

>It's a field inside cm req path record. This path information is passed over
>wire during cm hand shaking, and remote will decide to use gid or local lid to
>>> >+ // make this same as Linux code: p_path->hop_flow_raw >= 2
>>> means grh present.
>>> >+ if(cl_hton32(p_path->hop_flow_raw) >= 2)  p_av->attr.grh_valid =
>>> >+ 1;

A couple of notes.  First, the check here looks wrong.  It should only check
against the hop count, not the entire 32-bit field, which includes the flow
Second, the hop count has been used to indicate if an IB GRH is required because
the packet may cross a router.  With RDMAoE, a router is not involved, so a hop
count of 0 or 1 are still valid.  It's not even clear what an RDMAoE path record
is, but I can't imagine that the hop count would be defined as needing to be >=

- Sean

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