[ofw] RE: [PATCH] infiniband-diags/saquery: remove osm vendor layer

Sean Hefty sean.hefty at intel.com
Tue Feb 10 17:38:02 PST 2009

>Replace OSM Vendor layer by libibumad and libibmad (rpc) calls.
>This patch is done following "minimum changes" rule to demonstrate osm
>vendor replacement. Many subsequent improvements and simplification can
>be done. All current saquery functionality is preserved.
>Signed-off-by: Sasha Khapyorsky <sashak at voltaire.com>
>On 15:55 Mon 09 Feb     , Sean Hefty wrote:
>> Changing saquery didn't
>> look that hard to me, but it did look like it would modify a fair portion of
>> code.
>Cannot resist... :)

Excellent! - thanks Sasha!  It even reduced the codebase too.

- Sean

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