[ofw] svn commits - 2259, 2260

Smith, Stan stan.smith at intel.com
Sat Jun 20 16:53:52 PDT 2009

Signed off by stan.smith at intel.com

Svn.2259 - etc\makebin.bat
        expect the 4th argument to be a 'full' WDK root path specification for those who install WDK in non-standard places.

--- C:/Documents and Settings/scsmith/Local Settings/Temp/makebin.ba-rev2258.svn001.tmp.bat     Sat Jun 20 16:47:12 2009
+++ C:/Documents and Settings/scsmith/My Documents/openIB-windows/SVN/gen1/trunk/etc/makebin.bat        Sat Jun 20 16:46:59 2009
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@

 rem usage:
-rem   makebin src dst [win7 | wlh | wnet | wxp] DDK_version WdfCoInstaler_Ver
+rem   makebin src dst [win7 | wlh | wnet | wxp] DDK_ROOT WdfCoInstaler_Ver
 rem  src(%1) - OpenIB src path ...\gen1\trunk
 rem  dst(%2) - full path tp where binaries are copied, 'bin\' created here.
 rem  OSE(%3) - (Operating System Environment) which windows version
 rem            {win7,wxp,wlh,wnet} representing {XP, server 2008 & server 2003}
-rem  DDK_Version  - {blank == 6001.1801} assumes \WinDDK\%4\redist\wdf
+rem  DDK_ROOT  - {blank == assumes %SystemDrive%\WinDDK\6001.1801}
 rem  WdfCoInstall_ver - 5 digit WdfCoInstallerVersion # (blank == 01007}

 rem makebin is designed to take an openIB build tree path and produce a folder
@@ -41,12 +41,18 @@

 set OSE=%3

+rem setup DDK root path
 if /I "%4"=="" (
-       set _DDK=6001.18001
+       set _DDK=%systemdrive%\WinDDK\6001.18001
 ) else (
        set _DDK=%4
-set WdfCoInstaller=%systemdrive%\WinDDK\%_DDK%\redist\wdf
+if not exist "%_DDK%" (
+       echo Missing file %_DDK% ?
+       exit /B 1
+set WdfCoInstaller=%_DDK%\redist\wdf

 if /I "%5"=="" (
        set CoInstallVer=01007
@@ -111,6 +117,7 @@
         exit /B 1
 xcopy %WdfCoInstaller%\amd64\WdfCoInstaller%CoInstallVer%.dll %dest_dir% /yq

 xcopy %bin_dir%\ipoib.sys %2\net\amd64\ /yq

Svn.2260 - Winof\buildrelease.bat - supply a full WDK root path spec to makebin calls

--- C:/Documents and Settings/scsmith/Local Settings/Temp/BuildRelease.ba-revBASE.svn001.tmp.bat        Sat Jun 20 16:24:24 2009
+++ C:/Documents and Settings/scsmith/My Documents/openIB-windows/SVN/gen1/trunk/WinOF/BuildRelease.bat Fri Jun 19 14:57:19 2009
@@ -533,25 +533,25 @@

 if EXIST "%BSE%\etc\makebin.bat" (
        if "%WIN7%" == "yes" (
-       call %BSE%\etc\makebin.bat %BSE% %RBIN_W7% win7 %_DDK_VER% %_COIN_VER%
+       call %BSE%\etc\makebin.bat %BSE% %RBIN_W7% win7 %_DDK% %_COIN_VER%
        if ERRORLEVEL 1 (
-               echo %0: Err in makebin.bat %BSE% %RBIN_W7% wlh
+               echo %0: Err in makebin.bat %BSE% %RBIN_W7% wlh %_DDK% %_COIN_VER%
                exit /B 1
-    call %BSE%\etc\makebin.bat %BSE% %RBIN_WLH% wlh %_DDK_VER% %_COIN_VER%
+    call %BSE%\etc\makebin.bat %BSE% %RBIN_WLH% wlh %_DDK% %_COIN_VER%
     if ERRORLEVEL 1 (
-        echo %0: Err in makebin.bat %BSE% %RBIN_WLH% wlh
+        echo %0: Err in makebin.bat %BSE% %RBIN_WLH% wlh %_DDK% %_COIN_VER%
         exit /B 1
-    call %BSE%\etc\makebin.bat %BSE% %RBIN_WNET% wnet %_DDK_VER% %_COIN_VER%
+    call %BSE%\etc\makebin.bat %BSE% %RBIN_WNET% wnet %_DDK% %_COIN_VER%
     if ERRORLEVEL 1 (
-        echo %0: Err in makebin.bat %BSE% %RBIN_WNET% wnet
+        echo %0: Err in makebin.bat %BSE% %RBIN_WNET% wnet %_DDK% %_COIN_VER%
         exit /B 1
-    call %BSE%\etc\makebin.bat %BSE% %RBIN_WXP% wxp %_DDK_VER% %_COIN_VER%
+    call %BSE%\etc\makebin.bat %BSE% %RBIN_WXP% wxp %_DDK% %_COIN_VER%
     if ERRORLEVEL 1 (
-        echo %0: Err in makebin.bat %BSE% %RBIN_WXP% wxp
+        echo %0: Err in makebin.bat %BSE% %RBIN_WXP% wxp %_DDK% %_COIN_VER%
         exit /B 1

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