[ofw] svn.2021 commits - DAPL2

Stan C. Smith stan.smith at intel.com
Tue Mar 10 09:21:34 PDT 2009

 svn.2021 signed off by stan.smith at intel.com

   deleted in favor of 'dt-cli regression' test.

   cleanup loop variable name, identify loop count, whitespace adjustment.

diff U3 C:/Documents and Settings/scsmith/Local Settings/Temp/dt-cli.bat-revBASE.svn000.tmp.bat C:/Documents and
Settings/scsmith/My Documents/openIB-windows/SVN/gen1/trunk/ulp/dapl2/test/dapltest/scripts/dt-cli.bat
--- C:/Documents and Settings/scsmith/Local Settings/Temp/dt-cli.bat-revBASE.svn000.tmp.bat	Tue Mar 10 09:02:43 2009
+++ C:/Documents and Settings/scsmith/My
Documents/openIB-windows/SVN/gen1/trunk/ulp/dapl2/test/dapltest/scripts/dt-cli.bat	Mon Mar 09 12:49:58 2009
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
-set L=5
+set LPS=3
 set X=
 set T=
@@ -227,27 +227,27 @@
 if "%T%" == "regression" (
     rem run dapl regression tests - usage: dt-cli svr-IPaddr regression {loopCnt}
     if "%X%" == "" (
-        if not "%3" == ""  set L=%3
+        if not "%3" == ""  set LPS=%3
     ) else (
-        if not "%4" == ""  set L=%4
+        if not "%4" == ""  set LPS=%4
-    echo %T% testing in !L! Loops
+    echo %T% testing in !LPS! Loops
     REM rdma-write, read, perf
     set RT=trans perf threads threadsm transm transt transme transmet transmete rdma-write rdma-read bw EP
-    FOR /L %%i IN (1,1,!L!) DO (
+    FOR /L %%i IN (1,1,!LPS!) DO (
        for %%r in ( !RT! ) do (
            echo loop %%i - start test %%r
            call %0 %1 %%r
-           if %ERRORLEVEL% GTR 0 (
+           if %ERRORLEVEL% GTR 1 (
                echo Error %ERRORLEVEL% in regression test %%r
                exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
            echo loop %%i - Completed test %%r
-           timeout /T 3
+           if not "%%r" == "EP"  timeout /T 3
        echo +
-       echo Finished %T% loop %%i
-       if %%i GTR !L!  timeout /T 8
+       echo Finished %T% loop %%i of !LPS!
+       if %%i LSS !LPS!  timeout /T 8
     exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
@@ -255,13 +255,13 @@
 if "%T%" == "interop" (
     REM test units from Nov-'07 OFA interop event. usage dt-cli server-IPaddr interop {LoopCount}
     if "%X%" == "" (
-        if not "%3" == ""  set L=%3
+        if not "%3" == ""  set LPS=%3
     ) else (
-        if not "%4" == ""  set L=%4
+        if not "%4" == ""  set LPS=%4
-    echo %T% testing in !L! Loops
+    echo %T% testing in !LPS! Loops
     REM test units from Nov-'07 OFA interop event
-    FOR /L %%i IN (0,1,!L!) DO (
+    FOR /L %%i IN (1,1,!LPS!) DO (
          echo %DT% -T T -s %S% -D %D% -i 4096 -t 1 -w 1 -R BE client SR 256 1 server SR 256 1
          %DT% -T T -s %S% -D %D% -i 4096 -t 1 -w 1 -R BE client SR 256 1 server SR 256 1
          if ERRORLEVEL 1 exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
@@ -305,7 +305,8 @@
          echo %DT% -T T -s %S% -D %D% -i 100 -t 1 -w 10 -V -P -R BE client SR 1024 3 server SR 1536 2
          %DT% -T T -s %S% -D %D% -i 100 -t 1 -w 10 -V -P -R BE client SR 1024 3 server SR 1536 2
          if ERRORLEVEL 1 exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%
-         echo %%i %T% loops completed.
+         echo %%i %T% loops of !LPS! completed.
+         if %%i LSS !LPS!  timeout /T 8
     exit /B 0
@@ -316,29 +317,28 @@
 echo usage: dt-cli hostname [testname [-D]]
-echo   where testname
-echo     stop - request DAPLtest server to exit.
-echo     conn - simple connection test with limited data transfer
-echo     EP - Multiple EndPoints(7) and Threads(5) Transactions
-echo     EPA - Increment EndPoints[1..5] while increasing threads[1-5]
-echo     trans - single transaction test
-echo     transm - transaction test: multiple transactions [RW SND, RDMA]
-echo     transt - transaction test: multi-threaded
-echo     transme - transaction test: multi-endpoints per thread 
-echo     transmet - transaction test: multi-endpoints per thread, multiple threads
-echo     transmete - transaction test: multi threads == endpoints
-echo     perf - Performance test
-echo     threads - multi-threaded single transaction test.
-echo     threadsm - multi: threads and endpoints, single transaction test.
-echo     rdma-write - RDMA write
-echo     rdma-read - RDMA read
-echo     bw - bandwidth
-echo     latb - latency tests, blocking for events
-echo     latp - latency tests, polling for events
-echo     lim - limit tests.
-echo     regression {loopCnt} - loop over a collection of all tests.
-echo     interop {loopCnt} - collection of test-units from OFA interoperability event 2007.
+echo  where testname
+echo    stop - request DAPLtest server to exit.
+echo    conn - simple connection test with limited data transfer
+echo    EP - Multiple EndPoints(7) and Threads(5) Transactions
+echo    EPA - Increment EndPoints[1..5] while increasing threads[1-5]
+echo    trans - single transaction test
+echo    transm - transaction test: multiple transactions [RW SND, RDMA]
+echo    transt - transaction test: multi-threaded
+echo    transme - transaction test: multi-endpoints per thread 
+echo    transmet - transaction test: multi-endpoints per thread, multiple threads
+echo    transmete - transaction test: multi threads == endpoints
+echo    perf - Performance test
+echo    threads - multi-threaded single transaction test.
+echo    threadsm - multi: threads and endpoints, single transaction test.
+echo    rdma-write - RDMA write
+echo    rdma-read - RDMA read
+echo    bw - bandwidth
+echo    latb - latency tests, blocking for events
+echo    latp - latency tests, polling for events
+echo    lim - limit tests.
+echo    regression {loopCnt,default=%LPS%} - regression + stress.
+echo    interop {loopCnt,default=%LPS%} - 2007 OFA interoperability event tests.
- at echo on
 @exit /B 0

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