[ofw] [PATCH 2/4] etc/pkgwo: script to relocate binaries into packages

Sean Hefty sean.hefty at intel.com
Wed Nov 4 22:57:30 PST 2009

Package winof binaries into separate packages for distribution.  This
copies files from the built binary tree into an install directory.  
Associated drivers, libraries, and executables are placed into the same
package.  A total of 8 packages are currently defined:

ibbus - includes complib
ipoib - includes ibal nd
winmad - includes libibumad, libibmad, and ib-diags
winverbs - includes libibverbs, librdmacm, netdirect, and perftest

Packages are created to allow for the eventual release of individual
components separate from a larger winof release.

Signed-off-by: Sean Hefty <sean.hefty at intel.com>
Missing packages for IOU, SRP, etc. would need to be added.

Index: etc/pkgwo.bat
--- etc/pkgwo.bat	(revision 0)
+++ etc/pkgwo.bat	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+ at echo off
+setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
+if "%WDK_PATH%"=="" goto use
+if "%OPENIB_REV%"=="" goto use
+if "%PLATFORM_SDK_PATH%"=="" goto use
+if "%1"=="chk" (
+	set wo_bld=chk
+	goto set_arch
+if "%1"=="fre" (
+	set wo_bld=fre
+	goto set_arch
+goto use
+if "%2"=="x86" (
+	set wo_arch=x86
+	set wo_arch_dir=i386
+	goto set_os
+if "%2"=="x64" (
+	set wo_arch=amd64
+	set wo_arch_dir=amd64
+	goto set_os
+if "%2"=="ia64" (
+	set wo_arch=ia64
+	set wo_arch_dir=ia64
+	goto set_os
+goto use
+if "%3"=="win7" (
+	set wo_os=win7
+	goto set_files
+if "%3"=="2003" (
+	set wo_os=wnet
+	goto set_files
+if "%3"=="2008" (
+	set wo_os=WLH
+	goto set_files
+if "%3"=="xp" (
+	if not "%2"=="x86" goto use
+	set wo_os=WXP
+	set wo_arch=
+	goto set_files
+goto use
+if "%4"=="all" (
+	for %%i in (ibacm, ibbus, ipoib, mlx4_bus, mlx4_hca, mthca, winmad,
winverbs) do (
+		call %~dp0\pkgwo %1 %2 %3 %%i
+	)
+	popd
+	goto end
+if "%4"=="ibacm" (
+	set files=ib_acm libibacm
+	goto package
+if "%4"=="ibbus" (
+	set files=ib_bus ibbus ibal alts cmtest complib ib_read ib_send ib_write
+	goto package
+if "%4"=="ipoib" (
+	set files=ipoib nd ibwsd netipoib wvnd ibat ibnd
+	goto package
+if "%4"=="mlx4_bus" (
+	set files=mlx4_bus mlx4_core
+	goto package
+if "%4"=="mlx4_hca" (
+	set files=mlx4_hca mlx4u mlx4_ib mlx4_net
+	goto package
+if "%4"=="mthca" (
+	set files=mthca
+	goto package
+if "%4"=="winmad" (
+	rem -- Includes IB-mgmt libraries
+	set files=winmad wm ^
+		  libibumad libibmad libibnet ibaddr iblinkinfo ibping ^
+		  ibportstate ibqueryerror ibroute ibsendtrap ibstat ^
+		  ibsysstat ibtracert mcm_rereg perfquery sminfo smp vendstat
+	goto package
+if "%4"=="winverbs" (
+	rem -- Includes OFED verbs and RDMA CM compatability libraries
+	set files=winverb wv ^
+		  libibverbs ibv_async ibv_dev ibv_ librdmacm rdma_
+	goto package
+goto use
+pushd %WINOF_PATH%
+if not exist install             mkdir install
+if not exist install\%3          mkdir install\%3
+if not exist install\%3\%2       mkdir install\%3\%2
+if not exist install\%3\%2\%1    mkdir install\%3\%2\%1
+if not exist install\%3\%2\%1\%4 mkdir install\%3\%2\%1\%4
+for %%i in (%files%) do (
+	xcopy /D /Y bin\kernel\obj%wo_bld%_%wo_os%_%wo_arch%\%wo_arch_dir%\%%i*
+	xcopy /D /Y bin\user\obj%wo_bld%_%wo_os%_%wo_arch%\%wo_arch_dir%\%%i*
+	rem -- Include both free and checked versions of libraries in the
+	rem -- The library names do not overlap.
+ 	if "%1"=="chk" (
+		xcopy /D /Y
bin\user\objfre_%wo_os%_%wo_arch%\%wo_arch_dir%\%%i*.dll install\%3\%2\%1\%4
+		xcopy /D /Y
bin\user\objfre_%wo_os%_%wo_arch%\%wo_arch_dir%\%%i*.pdb install\%3\%2\%1\%4
+		xcopy /D /Y
bin\user\objfre_%wo_os%_%wo_arch%\%wo_arch_dir%\%%i*.exp install\%3\%2\%1\%4
+		xcopy /D /Y
bin\user\objfre_%wo_os%_%wo_arch%\%wo_arch_dir%\%%i*.lib install\%3\%2\%1\%4
+	)
+	if "%1"=="fre" (
+		xcopy /D /Y
bin\user\objchk_%wo_os%_%wo_arch%\%wo_arch_dir%\%%i*.dll install\%3\%2\%1\%4
+		xcopy /D /Y
bin\user\objchk_%wo_os%_%wo_arch%\%wo_arch_dir%\%%i*.pdb install\%3\%2\%1\%4
+		xcopy /D /Y
bin\user\objchk_%wo_os%_%wo_arch%\%wo_arch_dir%\%%i*.exp install\%3\%2\%1\%4
+		xcopy /D /Y
bin\user\objchk_%wo_os%_%wo_arch%\%wo_arch_dir%\%%i*.lib install\%3\%2\%1\%4
+	)
+	rem -- Include 32-bit libaries with the 64-bit package.  Rename the
+	rem -- libraries from lib.dll -> lib32.dll or libd.dll -> lib32d.dll.
+	rem -- complib, which changes to cl32
+	rem -- mthca, which drops the 'u'
+	if "%2"=="x64" (	
+		if not exist install\wow64\%3\%2\chk\%4 mkdir
+		xcopy /D /Y bin\user\objchk_%wo_os%_x86\i386\%%i*.dll
+		pushd install\wow64\%3\%2\chk\%4
+		for /f "usebackq" %%j in (`dir /b *d.dll`) do (
+			set dll32_old=%%j
+			set dll32_new=!dll32_old:~,-5!32d.dll
+			if "!dll32_old!"=="complibd.dll" set dll32_new=cl32d.dll
+			if "!dll32_old!"=="mthcaud.dll"  set
+			echo F | xcopy /D /Y !dll32_old!
+		)
+		popd
+		if not exist install\wow64\%3\%2\fre\%4 mkdir
+		xcopy /D /Y bin\user\objfre_%wo_os%_x86\i386\%%i*.dll
+		pushd install\wow64\%3\%2\fre\%4
+		for /f "usebackq" %%j in (`dir /b *.dll`) do (
+			set dll32_old=%%j
+			set dll32_new=!dll32_old:~,-4!32.dll
+			if "!dll32_old!"=="complib.dll" set dll32_new=cl32.dll
+			if "!dll32_old!"=="mthcau.dll"  set
+			echo F | xcopy /D /Y !dll32_old!
+		)
+		popd
+	)
+	xcopy /D /Y %WDK_PATH%\redist\wdf\%wo_arch_dir%\wdf* install\%3\%2\%1\%4
+	xcopy /D /Y %WDK_PATH%\redist\difx\dpinst\multilin\%wo_arch_dir%\dpinst*
+goto end
+echo -
+echo pkgwo - package winof
+echo -
+echo Separates a built WinOF tree into separate packages for installation.
+echo You should build both the free and checked versions of the specified
+echo package before running this batch file for the first time.
+echo You must customize for your system by setting the following environment
+echo variables:
+echo -
+echo WDK_PATH          (example set WDK_PATH=c:\winddk\6001.18001)
+echo WINOF_PATH        (example set WINOF_PATH=c:\ofw\trunk)
+echo OPENIB_REV        (example set OPENIB_REV=0)
+echo PLATFORM_SDK_PATH (example set PLATFORM_SDK_PATH=c:\progra~1\mi2578~1)
+echo -
+echo Use:
+echo pkgwo {chk : fre} {x86 : x64 : ia64} {xp : 2003 : 2008 : win7} {package}
+echo xp only supports x86 build
+echo -
+echo Valid package names are:
+echo ibacm, ibbus, ipoib, mlx4_bus, mlx4_hca, mthca, winmad, winverbs, all
+echo -
+echo Examples:
+echo pkgwo chk x86 2008 winverbs  - packages 2008 checked x86 files for
+echo pkgwo fre x64 win7 mlx4_bus  - packages windows 7 free x64 files for
+echo -
+echo Packages are created under WINOF_PATH\install.
+echo See docs\build.txt for additional information on building the tree.
+ at echo on
Index: etc/pkgwoall.bat
--- etc/pkgwoall.bat	(revision 0)
+++ etc/pkgwoall.bat	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ at echo off
+rem Packages the winof stack for all platforms.
+call %~dp0\pkgwo chk x86  2003 all
+call %~dp0\pkgwo fre x86  2003 all
+call %~dp0\pkgwo chk x64  2003 all
+call %~dp0\pkgwo fre x64  2003 all
+call %~dp0\pkgwo chk ia64 2003 all
+call %~dp0\pkgwo fre ia64 2003 all
+call %~dp0\pkgwo chk x86  2008 all
+call %~dp0\pkgwo fre x86  2008 all
+call %~dp0\pkgwo chk x64  2008 all
+call %~dp0\pkgwo fre x64  2008 all
+call %~dp0\pkgwo chk ia64 2008 all
+call %~dp0\pkgwo fre ia64 2008 all
+ at echo on

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