[ofw] ctrl-c of appl

Usha Srinivasan usha.srinivasan at qlogic.com
Mon Feb 8 13:01:54 PST 2010

I interpreted driver to mean hca driver, hence my confusion.  I agree that this bug is not the fault of the user application, but lies somewhere between the application and the hca driver.

If someone has a fix for this problem in ual (or kal), I will be happy to test it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Hefty [mailto:sean.hefty at intel.com] 
Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 3:41 PM
To: Usha Srinivasan; Tzachi Dar
Cc: 'ofw_list'
Subject: RE: ctrl-c of appl

>Ok, I'm not sure if I agree that the problem I reported below with deregistermr
>not being called is the fault of the driver.

I believe that Tzachi was simply stating that the problem is with some kernel
driver.  I.e. it's not a library or user space application issue.

>When I get this bug check, it is because ibal has NOT called DeregisterMR; it
>only calls DestroyQp, DestroyCq and UmCloseCa.  How is the driver supposed to
>determine which MRs to automatically deregister?  An application could have
>created an MR for use with multiple QPs.  And, I don't think there is a way to
>connect an MR with a CA ctx.  Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

In this case, resource tracking is done with IBAL, so IBAL should be responsible
for tracking the memory registrations and deregistering the memory on
application failure.  Winverbs has a similar responsibility.

- Sean

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