[ofw] removing the special debug file

Smith, Stan stan.smith at intel.com
Wed Jun 29 09:29:39 PDT 2011

Hello Uri,
  I believe the current mode of operation is to copy-rename-replace the free version of the file with debug version of the file.

Removing the 'd' for debug filename convention will be a fair amount of work impacting 'many' build and release files.

That said, I personally have no problems with dropping the special debug name of the file.

I would request that all .rc files have the correctly working '#if DBG' with '#define VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR' containing some indication the version is Debug/Checked.
The absence of Debug/Checked would imply a free/released version of the module.

With the correct #define VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR definition, one can hold the mouse-point over the explorer filename and determine if the module is Debug or Free.
Fortunately many modules already support this functionality.

#if DBG
#define VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR                        "IP over InfiniBand (Connected Mode) NDIS 6 Miniport (Checked)"
#define VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR                        "IP over InfiniBand (Connected Mode) NDIS 6 Miniport"

Who is going to do this conversion work?


From: Uri Habusha [mailto:urih at mellanox.co.il]
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 1:21 AM
To: ofw at lists.openfabrics.org; Smith, Stan
Subject: removing the dpecial debug file

Currently the OFA build creates different files for debug and release version (i.e complib.dll for release and complibd.dll for debug).

I don't know what was the reason to do it in this way, but I  know that there is no other product that do it. If you wants to debug an issue you can install the debug version that contains the debug dll.

Using different names complicates our installation package and testing. I want to change the code to use same file name for debug and release.

Please let me know if there is any reason not doing it.

Thanks Uri

Uri Habusha
Windows SW Development Lead

Mellanox Technologies
P.OBox 586, Yokneam 20692

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