[ofw] ib-diags: compatability issue with ibstat

Hefty, Sean sean.hefty at intel.com
Wed Sep 21 15:23:45 PDT 2011

> Does this mean "ibstatus" does not work on Windows?

We do not support any of the scripts on windows.  As far as I could tell, the scripts look like they just do post-processing of available output.
> How are you proposing the addition to ibverbs?  It seems this would break ABI
> there.

On windows, libibumad uses libibverbs to obtain whatever data it needs.  I'm assuming that a non-MAD application will eventually be able to use ibverbs to determine the rate, without needing to parse data from some file.

> Does windows have sysfs like capabilities which would make the separate layer
> clean?

There's nothing like sysfs on windows.  If the data is available from ibverbs, windows could pull the data from there, even if the diags do not want to rely on ibverbs on the linux side.

- Sean

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