[ofw] [ewg] server migration

Ira Weiny weiny2 at llnl.gov
Tue May 29 15:28:51 PDT 2012

On Tue, 29 May 2012 17:21:23 +0000
"Marciniszyn, Mike" <mike.marciniszyn at intel.com> wrote:

> Is there something about this move that I can no longer clone the following repos:
> git clone git://git.openfabrics.org/compat-rdma/linux-3.2.git
> git clone git://git.openfabrics.org/compat-rdma/compat.git
> git clone git://git.openfabrics.org/compat-rdma/compat-rdma.git
> It appears that no one is listening on the git port.    Changing git to beany doesn't help.    Changing git to sofa works.

Same issue here:

15:27:41 > git clone git://git.openfabrics.org/~iraweiny/infiniband-diags.git
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/infiniband-diags/.git/
fatal: read error: Connection reset by peer

15:27:43 > git clone git://sofa.openfabrics.org/~iraweiny/infiniband-diags.git
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/infiniband-diags/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 4579, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1887/1887), done.
remote: Total 4579 (delta 3448), reused 3433 (delta 2613)
Receiving objects: 100% (4579/4579), 967.54 KiB, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (3448/3448), done.

> Mike
> From: ewg-bounces at lists.openfabrics.org [mailto:ewg-bounces at lists.openfabrics.org] On Behalf Of Ken Strandberg
> Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 2:29 PM
> To: nvmewin at lists.openfabrics.org; ewg at lists.openfabrics.org; OFA Marketing Working Group (mwg at lists.openfabrics.org) (mwg at lists.openfabrics.org); ofw at lists.openfabrics.org; Interop-wg at lists.openfabrics.org; Ryan, Jim
> Subject: [ewg] server migration
> I completed the server migration this morning. Here are items to note. Please send me email if you find any anomalies or abnormalities.
> To all:
> lists.openfabrics.org<http://lists.openfabrics.org>, www.openfabrics.org<http://www.openfabrics.org> should function as before.
> There is a new direct subdomain to the downloads:  downloads.openfabrics.org<http://downloads.openfabrics.org>
> Please check the following:
> Send yourself email through your openfabrics account, if you're forwarding mail from openfabrics.org<http://openfabrics.org> to another account. If you use an openfabrics.org<http://openfabrics.org> email account directly, please check you can get your email. If you want to use an openfabrics.org<http://openfabrics.org> email account, you now can access it with your imap client using your login and password for your existing account and lists.openfabrics.org<http://lists.openfabrics.org> as the server.
> Developers:
> The new server is beany.openfabrics.org<http://beany.openfabrics.org>. Your username and passwd should be the same as on sofa.
> I rsync'd all /home dirs to the new server on Saturday (5/27). Please verify your files on beany are up to date. If not, please update your files. Sofa will remain online for about another month. The week before I de-commission sofa, I'll notify all users. And again the day before. Please make sure all your files are moved to beany.
> If you had cron jobs you ran, you should check that they're set up and running as intended. I did not set up or get into any of your /home files. I only copied them.
> git.openfabrics.org<http://git.openfabrics.org> should function as before.
> SVN users:
> The svn repos should be operating as before. I dumped and loaded all databases as of Sunday morning (5/28). This is now the active repository. If you use svn:// protocol with your client, you need to change your address to the following
> svn://beany.openfabrics.org/ofw<http://beany.openfabrics.org/ofw> (for windows)
> svn://beany.openfabrics.org/nvmewin<http://beany.openfabrics.org/nvmewin> (for NVMe)
> If you use http:// protocol, the address is still  http://www.openfabrics.org/svnrepo/nvmewin (or ofw)
> Again, please do not use sofa.openfabrics.org/svnrepo/xxx<http://sofa.openfabrics.org/svnrepo/xxx> for your repositories. Your trees will be out of date if  you do.
> General:
> Why all this work to migrate to a new server?
> The sofa /home and /var directories were getting full. There was only about 3% left in /home.
> The new server gives us more disk space (a full TB instead of 700GB).
> Offsite storage for files. I was concerned about disaster recovery in the event of a meltdown at the hosting facility.
> Other than that, the hardware is about the same.
> We're saving about $120/month for more space.
> Again, please send me email if you see anything abnormal.
> Thanks.
> --
> Ken Strandberg
> Webmanager/SysAdmin
> OpenFabrics Alliance
> kens at openfabrics.org<mailto:kens at openfabrics.org>
> www.openfabrics.org<http://www.openfabrics.org>

Ira Weiny
Member of Technical Staff
Lawrence Livermore National Lab
weiny2 at llnl.gov

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