[ofw] winOFED 3.2 RC1 release available for download

Smith, Stan stan.smith at intel.com
Fri Apr 12 15:03:39 PDT 2013


OFED for Windows 3.2 RC1 release is available for download @

Please address comments and concerns to https://bugs.openfabrics.org and/or the
Windows OpenFabrics email list ofw at lists.openfabrics.org

OFED for windows Release Summary

1) The winOFED 3.2 RC1 release is based on winOFED source svn revision 3602

   Last OFED release (3.1) based on svn.3414.

2) New Features or Changes:

    Supported environments: (no Windows 8 support until the next release winOFED 3.3 ETA Q4'2013).
        Windows Server 2008 R2/HPC and Windows 7 for x64, x86.

    NetworkDirect.v2 provider
                NDlist - display NetworkDirect.v2 device & IP address

    uDAT / uDAPL 2.0.35 code base

    OpenSM version 3.3.13 (see '%windir%\temp\osm.syslog or %windir%\temp\osm.log' for runtime SM details).

    Mellanox RoCE not supported.

    Mellanox FDR HCAs suppported.

    Rsockets for Windows 1.0 supported [see rstream.exe & riostream.exe], thank you Hubert Schmitt!   <Hubert.Schmitt at oce.com>

   ***** Special Notes *****

      winOFED no longer supports:

           Mellanox Infinihost HCAs, Mellanox Connect-X HCA only.
           Vista & Server 2008 (Longhorn) operating environments; Server 2008 R2/WIndows-7 fully supported.
           Intel ia64 platforms; x64 and x86 only.

3) Bug fixes - all components.

**** Known Issues ****

IB cable disconnect during ND v1 transfer will crash system (winverbs problem).

Disabling the HCA on a system while openSM is running will crash the system (winmad issue).

If the install appears to hang, look around for popup windows requesting input which are
covered by other windows.  Such is the case on Server 2008 initial install - Answer 'yes'
to always trust the OpenFabrics Alliance as a SW publisher.

  Read the Release_notes.htm file!

  make 'sure' your Mellanox HCA firmware is recent:
      vstat.exe displays HCA firmware version & PSID.
      flint.exe (found at the Mellanox website, Windows firmware tools download package)
      displays PSID.

Thank you,

Mellanox and the OFED for Windows developers!

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