[Users] RoCE NIC bonding with load balance mode

Yufei Ren yufei.ren at stonybrook.edu
Thu Nov 8 10:14:04 PST 2012


Does anyone have experience about RoCE NIC bonding with load balance mode?

I'm trying to evaluate NIC bonding performance with Load Balance mode.
NIC model is Mellanox dual port 10GbE (Aggregate bw is 20Gbps). TCP
application, iperf, gets 14Gbps with multiple streams, so it seems NIC
bonding works fine with socket based application. However, RDMA
application, ib_write_bw/fio, could not break 10Gbps (no matter how
many QPs enabled), and I found only one NIC port participated in data
transfer by checking RX and TX.

Page 16 of the following slides shows that RDMACM supports
actively-backup only. But I'm not sure what's the latest status about
this issue. Any suggestion about how to make RDMA application(based on
rdmacm and ibverbs) work with load balance mode?



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