[openib-general] Re: IPv6 MGID formation question

Roland Dreier roland at topspin.com
Thu Nov 11 21:18:10 PST 2004

    Hal> It looks to me like the MGIDs for IPv6 are only getting the
    Hal> low 32 bits of the address rather than 80 bits.

I think your setup is fine:

    Hal> Local interface address: inet6 addr: fe80::208:f104:396:71/64

The IPv6 solicited-node multicast address corresponding to this
address is ff02:0:0:0:0:1:ff96:71.  The ND code will join this group
when the interface is brought up.

    Hal> MGID is displayed as MGID ff12:601b:ffff:0:0:1:ff96:71

This is the correct MGID for that solicited-node address.

(If you're actually sending to other IPv6 multicast addresses and
getting the wrong MGID then something is screwy.  It's hard to think
of what could be wrong with out ipv6_ib_mc_map() function though...)

 - R.

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