[openib-general] Cray XD1 and OpenSM.. (ignoreing certain guids?)

Troy Benjegerdes troy at scl.ameslab.gov
Sat Oct 15 17:22:57 PDT 2005

>It's more than that: in addition to the IB hardware/driver difference,
>it will need to be ported from Linux to whatever Cray OS is.
The Cray XD1 is actually running Linux.. I've even managed to build and 
boot my own kernel on one. They are actually using a derivative of the 
OpenIB SDP code that has been ported to what they call "RapidArray", 
which is infiniband at the wire-protocol level. They don't implement any 
of the higher level stuff (like, obviously,  SMA)

>>And if there's a 
>>'soft-sma'  available, could it be made to work on pathscale cards as well?
>PathScale has an soft SMA for their HCAs already (for Linux at least).
>-- Hal
I'm going to take a look at pathscale's sma when I get a chance. (which 
in reality probably won't be until after SC)

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