[openib-general] IBIS modification

Eitan Zahavi eitan at mellanox.co.il
Thu Sep 29 03:40:57 PDT 2005

Hi Hal,

I have updated IBIS :

1. Support sm_key, v_key and m_key (yes the last one is temporary until we 
   will need to support m_key(lid), m_key(dr path), m_key(guid).
   to set them (anytime during the flow) you can ibis_opts configure -sm_key
<value in host order>

% ibis_opts conf -sm_key 0x1234567812345678
% ibis_opts dump
-single_thread TRUE -force_log_flush TRUE -log_flags 1 -log_file
/tmp/ibis.log -sm_key 0x1234567812345678 -m_key 0x0000000000000000 -v_key
% sacNodeQuery getTable 0
% ibis_opts conf -sm_key 0
% sacNodeQuery getTable 0
nr:21 nr:23 nr:25 nr:27

2. Suport new ibis flag "-port_num <1..N>" to do teh trivial init sequence.
   Note this is not the way scripst should eb written as they should 
   modify the log file using ibis_opts conf -log_file before calling init.
3. wrapper updated accordingly.

You did not get back to me with feedback about moving the ibis and ibdm to
the trunk.


Eitan Zahavi
Design Technology Director
Mellanox Technologies LTD
P.O. Box 586 Yokneam 20692 ISRAEL

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