[openib-general] Advice

Sean Hefty sean.hefty at intel.com
Thu Jan 19 21:11:33 PST 2006

>Just so I understand. When you say 'svn code matches' it means a) the
>kernel modules are the same (or close enough). b) the usermode stuff
>will/should work without a problem. Could you be a little more specific?
>Just curious how this works until things stabilize more.

The IB code included in kernel.org is from the svn gen2/trunk.  The code is
developed in OpenIB, then pushed upstream to kernel.org.  I.e.
linux-2.6.15/drivers/infiniband is a subset of
gen2/trunk/src/linux-kernel/infiniband.  The code in svn is a little more up to

The usermode portion in gen2/trunk/src/userspace should work with the code in
the kernel.

>Mainly, I am interested in the verb layer for know so my needs are not
>that great. However, is there a reason to compile and use the svn kernel
>modules in place of the supplied ones? Or, as you mentioned above - are
>fixes/patches picked up by the distributions in between stable kernel

>Hmm, this is what I am looking for so that is actually a good thing for
>me. Except for having to rebuild the kernel to use the svn driver code.
>I suppose that I could just stick with building the usermode stuff and
>use the supplied kernel modules since I am not using any of the missing

Note that it's fairly easy to drop in the svn code into the kernel if you want
to go that route.  You just need to link linux/drivers/infiniband to the svn
infiniband directory, and remove linux/include/rdma.  It doesn't sound like
you'll need to do this though.

>I also noticed that a person from redhat has provided some rpm modules
>of the usermode libraries. Is anyone using these? Is this a reasonable
>way to go? I suppose it is just a convenience.

That I don't know the answer to.

- Sean

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