[openib-general] Advice

Scott A. Friedman friedman at ucla.edu
Thu Jan 19 20:55:39 PST 2006

Sean Hefty wrote:
>> 1. What usermode tools should I use if I want to use the modules that
>> are part of the current kernels (e.g. Fedora). The OpenIB subversion
>> code, the IBGD stuff or something else.
> Not sure what IBGD is.  The OpenIB svn code matches with that shipping in the
> current kernels.

Sorry, I mean the Mellanox Gold distribution thing. Using this is kinda 
a problem for me since I need to use a recent kernel - to support some 
non Infiniband stuff.

Just so I understand. When you say 'svn code matches' it means a) the 
kernel modules are the same (or close enough). b) the usermode stuff 
will/should work without a problem. Could you be a little more specific? 
Just curious how this works until things stabilize more.

>> 2. Is there any reason to *not* use the kernel modules that are now
>> included with the kernel.org or Fedora kernels? If so, which to use?
> Several modules in svn are not yet available in the kernel, so it depends on
> what you are trying to do.

Mainly, I am interested in the verb layer for know so my needs are not 
that great. However, is there a reason to compile and use the svn kernel 
modules in place of the supplied ones? Or, as you mentioned above - are 
fixes/patches picked up by the distributions in between stable kernel 

>> 3. How stable is the subversion code? Is it just for testers?
> In general, the tip of svn gen2/trunk is stable.  Bugs are usually fixed within
> a relatively short time (couple of hours to a day).  The drawback is that it
> targets the latest kernel release; however, backport patches are available.

Hmm, this is what I am looking for so that is actually a good thing for 
me. Except for having to rebuild the kernel to use the svn driver code. 
I suppose that I could just stick with building the usermode stuff and 
use the supplied kernel modules since I am not using any of the missing 

I also noticed that a person from redhat has provided some rpm modules 
of the usermode libraries. Is anyone using these? Is this a reasonable 
way to go? I suppose it is just a convenience.

Thanks again,

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