[openib-general] creating releases for the libraries you own

Sean Hefty mshefty at ichips.intel.com
Wed Oct 25 09:38:01 PDT 2006

Tziporet Koren wrote:
> I want to suggest that you will create releases to the libraries you own 
> (like Roland maintains for libibverbs).
> This will help us in OFED integration since we will be able to start the 
> release from a known stable version, instead of taking code with unknown 
> stability from svn.

I'm aware of this for libibcm and librdmacm.  I will start a release of 
librdmacm once we have upstream support for a userspace rdma_cm.  I've delayed 
releasing libibcm until there's better userspace support for SA queries, but I 
could be convinced otherwise.

- Sean

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