[ofa-general] [NFS/RDMA] Can't mount NFS/RDMA partition

Talpey, Thomas Thomas.Talpey at netapp.com
Wed Dec 17 07:01:44 PST 2008

At 07:56 AM 12/17/2008, Celine Bourde wrote:
>I can't mount an NFS/RDMA partition. 
>I've applied

Do you really need to run OFED? Since 2.6.24, stock kernel.org supports
the NFS/RDMA client, and since 2.6.25 the server is as well. Fedora 9 and
Fedora 10 both support NFS/RDMA and IB, for example.

>Every steps (loading modules, /etc/exports implementation, starting nfs daemon,
>etc..) seems to be ok, but when I do the last command :
>mount -o rdma,port=2050 /tmp/nfs_client/
>the mount processus blocks even last dmesg output seems correct  :
>"RPC: Registered rdma transport module.
>rpcrdma: connection to on mlx4_0, memreg 5 slots 32 ird 16

This is all great - the connection was made, and the initial NFS exchanges were
performed. Did you try any NFS operations at this point?

>If I try "ibstat" after that, I have a kernel panic message :
>"ibpanic: [4826] main: stat of IB device 'mlx4_0' failed: (Device or resource
>busy)" because device is in use.

I can't explain this - certainly I've never seen it. I am going to guess it's an
OFED issue, or something in your setup. Do you have any other detail? Stack
trace of the oops?


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