[ofa-general] Re: pick the outgoing HCA based on the IP used for bind

Or Gerlitz or.gerlitz at gmail.com
Fri Feb 13 07:39:55 PST 2009

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 2:09 AM, Sean Hefty <sean.hefty at intel.com> wrote:
> If I run ucmatose -b ip_addr (with or without -s option), I see that
> rdma_translate_ip() returns different net_device structures for the different
> input addresses.  cma_acquire_dev() also indicates that different ports on the
> same HCA are being used for the two addresses.

> If I unplug one of the ports, I can no long connect if I use the IP address that
> corresponds to that port, but the other port still works.  It doesn't matter
> which port I unplug, as long as I use the correct IP address.

I wasn't sure if you actually run the whole test or just let rdma_bind
to be called and see the above. Anyway, if you send me a patch with
the prints you've added, I can repeat it in my setup and we'll see.


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