[Ofa_boardplus] Agenda for today's XWG

Doug Ledford dledford at redhat.com
Thu Nov 2 08:24:11 PDT 2023

First, everyone should have seen that I sent a new invite to this list for
1st Thursday XWG meetings.  The prior meeting had gotten lost, so I had to
make a new one.  It hasn't yet been put on the calendar on our website, but
should be soon.

Today's XWG is really just a preparatory meeting for SC23.  Anyone is free
to bring questions, suggestions, ideas about how to position our recent
initiatives at the Open Standards Pavillion where we will have our kiosk to
the meeting today.  We will do the same next week.  After that is SC23 and
we will cancel that meeting, then it's Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S. so
we will cancel that meeting, and we'll hold an off cadence Board meeting to
review SC23 on the fifth thursday of the month, Nov. 30.

Doug Ledford <dledford at redhat.com>
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