[openfabrics-ewg] Aborting install removes OFED sources

Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) jsquyres at cisco.com
Tue May 9 05:39:38 PDT 2006


If you hit ctrl-C during the OFED install, it apparently removes the
entire directory where you told it to install OFED (i.e., "rm -rf

*** This is a HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE IDEA!! ***

I noticed this because I accidentally told OFED to install to
/home/jsquyres.  Yes, that's right: *OFED JUST REMOVED MY ENTIRE HOME
DIRECTORY*.  This is certainly *NOT* my idea of expected behavior; even
though I clearly typed a wrong directory name, I would expect OFED to
*ONLY* remove the things that it installed -- nothing else!  Consider a
more real-world example where someone installs OFED to /usr/local.  If
OFED removes itself, should it wipe out the entire /usr/local tree?  I
don't think so.

(sorry for the all caps, but I'm quite annoyed right now!)

Jeff Squyres
Server Virtualization Business Unit
Cisco Systems

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