[openfabrics-ewg] Where do contribute new stuff to OFED scripts?

Michael S. Tsirkin mst at mellanox.co.il
Mon Sep 18 04:32:44 PDT 2006

Quoting r. Jeff Squyres <jsquyres at cisco.com>:
> My point in this whole thread is that there is confusion among the community
> -- not so much about *what* we are doing, but *how* we are doing it

There might be lack of documentation, but if you are confused, you should just ask.
Before criticising, the right thing is to understand and maybe document the
existing process.

> (example: taking a snapshot of unstable libiverbs which was then rolled back
> late in the release process and then caused other problems -- this should
> never have happened in the first place).

The example is bogus - this was a simple mistake, fixed right after it was
noticed. Further, no one noticed there's and ABI change, and Qlogic did not
notice that their library in trunk was broken and not working properly with
So its a clear confusion in what to do, not how.

> Several members of the community
> have a different set of ideas in their head about what the process is, and
> this is causing both confusion and conflict.

Where's the conflict? Between whom?
AFAIK so far things were done by concensus.


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