[ewg] OFA EWG Meeting: Monday, Sept 23rd, 2019 - 9:00 am PST - Minutes

Davis, Arlin R arlin.r.davis at intel.com
Mon Sep 23 14:47:03 PDT 2019

Attendees                    Company
Devesh Sharma            Broadcom
Bill Snapko                    HPE
Arlin Davis                     Intel

Jim Ryan                        OFA
Rupert Dance               SW Forge

Bob Woodruff               Intel
Henry Orosco               Intel


*        Opens

*        Intel attempted to build on kernel-5.3, ib_core and hns issues (see below)

*        Ethernet Alliance and InfiniBand/RoCE Plugfest (Oct 14th) can use RC1 if we have it ready. Let's try!

*        OFED-5.3 current - https://downloads.openfabrics.org/downloads/OFED/ofed-5.3-daily/OFED-5.3-20190910-1430.tgz

  *   Build errors with kernel.org 5.3 build:
               ERROR: "hnae3_unregister_client" [/var/tmp/OFED_topdir/BUILD/compat-rdma-5.3/drivers/infiniband/hw/hns/hns-roce-hw-v2.ko] undefined!
               ERROR: "hnae3_register_client" [/var/tmp/OFED_topdir/BUILD/compat-rdma-5.3/drivers/infiniband/hw/hns/hns-roce-hw-v2.ko] undefined!
               ERROR: "hns_dsaf_roce_reset" [/var/tmp/OFED_topdir/BUILD/compat-rdma-5.3/drivers/infiniband/hw/hns/hns-roce-hw-v1.ko] undefined!
               ERROR: "backport_rdma_dim" [/var/tmp/OFED_topdir/BUILD/compat-rdma-5.3/drivers/infiniband/core/ib_core.ko] undefined!

  *   Vlad, please fix "backport_rdma_dim" issue with ib_core
  *   Lijun Ou, please fix hns-roce-hw issues
  *   Everyone, please send patches for backports or give me an ETA (prioritize RH7.7, RC1 by Oct 14th)
     *   Here is my contact list for vendors, send me updated contact if you are no longer point person for your company.
     *   Mellanox - Vlad
     *   Chelsio - Bharat
     *   Cavium- Michal
     *   Broadcom - Devesh
     *   VMware - Adit
     *   Huawei - Lijun Ou
     *   Intel (i40iw) - Henry (5.3 support only, no backports) - Is that true Henry?

Please correct/add anything I missed.



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