[fsdpwg] Updated FSDP slide deck

p.grun55 at gmail.com p.grun55 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 5 03:32:39 PDT 2020

Slide 3 - Glad to see this slide, I was thinking about something like this when reviewing Divya's original deck.  
Slide 3 - Waaay too much detail in the top blue box.  Doug, you have a tendency to dive into detail when it's not called for which distracts from the message and takes your audience off track. Same comment on Slide 5.
Slide 4 - Should include a "logo program, if desired" bullet to the Distros line.
Slide 4 - just a suggestion, but it's worth it to keep each bullet to a single line.  Suggest deleting "...prior to launch".  It's not necessarily limited to that.
Slide 5 - I don't get the point behind the sub title.  Actually, this whole slide confuses me.  What's the message?  Is it crucial to this high level overview?
Slide 8 - too chatty.  Don't write in sentences.  Most of what's here is what the presenter should be speaking to, not on the slide.
Slide 10 - again, the word "certified" makes me nervous.  "Defined" is accurate and concise.
Slide 11 - better!
Slide 13 - as mentioned earlier, a reference to "Works of Authorship Working Groups" is waaay too much detail for this slide deck.  Sufficient (and accurate) to say, "...will have no vote in Working Groups".
Slide 15 - same comment as before - I don't know what "multples siting options" means.

-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Ledford <dledford at redhat.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2020 7:33 AM
To: fsdpwg at lists.openfabrics.org
Cc: Divya Kolar <divya.kolar at intel.com>; Jim Ryan <jimdryan at gmail.com>; p grun55 <p.grun55 at gmail.com>
Subject: Updated FSDP slide deck

To go over at today's meeting.  I made updates to the deck Divya sent yesterday (off-list).  Added a few slides, deleted a slide that was in there twice, moved two slides to the backup section because I didn't think they contributed enough to the overall deck and the deck was too long, did some wording changes on about half of the slides, and did some word art changes.  Please review ahead of time so we can cover it more quickly.  At this point, my biggest gripe is that there are obvious stylistic differences between the slides I put in and the previous ones :-/.

BTW, in the future, I'm going to start dropping Cc:es and only send stuff like this to the fsdpwg at lists.openfabrics.org mailing list, so please make sure you are subscribed if you wish to keep seeing these types of emails.  If you are on the old Interop WG list, no need to do anything, I'm going to email Ken to move the remaining subscribers over later today.

Doug Ledford <dledford at redhat.com>
              GPG KeyID: 0E572FDD

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