[fsdpwg] Updated FSDP slide deck

Doug Ledford dledford at redhat.com
Tue Aug 4 07:33:27 PDT 2020

To go over at today's meeting.  I made updates to the deck Divya sent yesterday (off-list).  Added a few slides, deleted a slide that was in there twice, moved two slides to the backup section because I didn't think they contributed enough to the overall deck and the deck was too long, did some wording changes on about half of the slides, and did some word art changes.  Please review ahead of time so we can cover it more quickly.  At this point, my biggest gripe is that there are obvious stylistic differences between the slides I put in and the previous ones :-/.

BTW, in the future, I'm going to start dropping Cc:es and only send stuff like this to the fsdpwg at lists.openfabrics.org mailing list, so please make sure you are subscribed if you wish to keep seeing these types of emails.  If you are on the old Interop WG list, no need to do anything, I'm going to email Ken to move the remaining subscribers over later today.

Doug Ledford <dledford at redhat.com>
              GPG KeyID: 0E572FDD

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