[ofa-general] OFED 1.2 Feb-26 meeting summary

Jeff Squyres jsquyres at cisco.com
Sun Mar 18 04:04:51 PDT 2007

On Mar 17, 2007, at 6:25 PM, Michael S. Tsirkin wrote:

>>> 1. *NOT AN MPI ISSUE*: base location of the stack.  Doug has
>>> repeatedly mentioned that /usr/local/ofed is not good.  This is a
>>> group issue to decide.
>> As long as the base OFED stack is /usr/local/ofed, if someone  
>> calls Red
>> Hat support to get IB help with RHEL5 or RHEL4U5, they will be  
>> told that
>> they must first delete all locally built OFED RPMs from the  
>> system.  It
>> simply isn't realistic for us to try and support a system where
>> conflicting libraries can exist in different locations and  
>> attempts to
>> resolve the problem could end up being fruitless simply because the
>> wrong library is getting linked in behind our backs.
> I think the prefix is easily configurable.
> So I think we should just say in the readme note that prefix
> should be /usr if one wants to get redhat support for infiniband.

I think you're missing Doug's point.  There is currently no mechanism  
for the user to know that they're installing 2 potentially  
conflicting versions of the same software (OFED).

For example, I have a suspicion that a current P1 bug (https:// 
bugs.openfabrics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=461) is due to the fact that  
RHEL / SLES's OFED is installed when QLogic is trying to install the  
community OFED 1.2 (won't know more until Tuesday -- it's a long/ 
holiday weekend in India).

If this is correct, it's *another* example of why our installer is  
leading to Bad/potentially hazardous practices.

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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