[libfabric-users] fi_read completion event (Biddiscombe, John A.)

Evan Harvey e1.0harvey at gmail.com
Fri Mar 10 07:01:48 PST 2017

Hi John,

What capabilities are being used? Are FI_RMA and FI_READ set on both the
initiating and target endpoint? To do this set:
hints->caps |= FI_RMA | FI_READ;

before calling fi_getinfo.

The fi_getinfo, fi_cq, and fi_endpoint man pages have more information
about what the FI_RMA and FI_READ flags do when set.


On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 6:34 AM, Biddiscombe, John A. <biddisco at cscs.ch>

> Evan
> >
> I believe you need to set FI_RMA_EVENT in the caps.
> To do this add:
> hints->caps |= FI_RMA_EVENT before calling fi_getinfo.
> The fi_getinfo and fi_endpoint man pages have more information about what
> FI_RMA_EVENT does when set.
> <
> from the wording “Increments the specified counter whenever an RMA read or
> atomic fetch operation is initiated from a remote endpoint that targets the
> given endpoint” this makes me believe that the event is trigger on Node B
> when Node A reads/writes from it. I would like a completion on Node A, when
> Node A had read/write from B.
> likewise
> Requests that an endpoint support the generation of completion events when
> it is the target of an RMA and/or atomic operation. This flag requires that
> FI_REMOTE_READ and/or FI_REMOTE_WRITE be enabled on the endpoint.”
> Which seems to confirm the above.
> Is there something else I need to look out for? I can confirm that I get
> recv/send completions and all is fine, but nothing for fi_read.
> Thanks
> JB
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