[libfabric-users] fi_read completion event (Biddiscombe, John A.)

Hefty, Sean sean.hefty at intel.com
Fri Mar 10 10:46:01 PST 2017

> Is there something else I need to look out for? I can confirm that I
> get recv/send completions and all is fine, but nothing for fi_read.

I spent a few minutes looking through the code here:


I checked the calls to getinfo, ep_bind, cq_open, fi_read, cq_read, etc.  Nothing that I saw stood out as an obvious issue.  :/  Even if the read failed, you should still get some sort of completion, with fi_cq_read returning -FI_EAVAIL.

I'm assuming that you're using the verbs provider with FI_MSG endpoints.

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