[Ofa_boardplus] Agenda for tomorrow's XWG meeting

Paul Grun grun at cray.com
Wed May 31 10:14:24 PDT 2017

The XWG will meet tomorrow at 10AM PDT.  Call in logistics are as follows:

Join WebEx meeting<https://lanl-us.webex.com/lanl-us/j.php?MTID=m19603aca0203e581c46fccba2253beec>
Meeting number (access code): 802 107 123

 Join by phone
+1-415-655-0002 US Toll
Global call-in numbers<https://lanl-us.webex.com/lanl-us/globalcallin.php?serviceType=MC&ED=476915872&tollFree=0>

Tomorrow's meeting is largely devoted to beginning the 2018 budgeting process, starting with a discussion on budget priorities.  The attached spreadsheet from Bill Lee lays out some possible priorities for discussion.

Agenda details:

  *   Approval of minutes from 5/25 meeting (attached)
  *   Budget discussion - see attached spreadsheet

-Paul Grun
OFA Vice Chair

Advanced Technology Group
Cray, Inc.
Office  - (503) 620 - 8757
Mobile - (503) 703 - 5382

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Desc: OFA 2018 Budget Worksheet v2.xlsx
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