[Ofa_boardplus] OFA 2019 workshop venues

Kolar, Divya divya.kolar at intel.com
Wed May 9 11:37:17 PDT 2018

Per our OFA 2018 workshop post mortem discussion, I am following up with OFA board plus to identify OFA members who can help MWG in finding leads into following venues. Please let me know if you work for any of these companies/universities and are willing to help in making connections.

National Laboratories/Institutions
* Argonne -
* Sandia - Michael Aguilar to start with
* Lawrence Livermore -
* NCAR - Boulder - nate at ucar.edu<mailto:nate at ucar.edu>
* Oak Ridge - Scott Atchley
* Universities
* Indiana University
* Ohio State University
* Santa Clara University
* University of California, Berkeley
* University of Texas, Austin
* Members

*         Intel Jones Farm Campus - Divya

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