[Ofa_boardplus] Treasurer's report for November, 2019

Jim Ryan jimdryan at gmail.com
Mon Dec 16 16:13:59 PST 2019

Follows. An analysis of the currently very preliminary budget for 2020 is
under development for review at Thursday's Board meeting

This is a routine report with modest changes in many accounts, with the
exception of significant legal expenses related to our Bylaws revision
project. Note while legal expenses contributed to monthly and YTD losses,
they are well within budget for 2019.

Our net income was a loss of $7,862, again, because of legal fees. YTD was
a loss of $43,589.

We’re coming into the dues renewal period, so these monthly and accrued
losses are to be expected.

Our cash position decreased slightly to $258,208.

Our accumulated surplus decreased slightly to $231,349.

Comments/questions are more than welcome, whether to me or the group. I’ll
send the actual report to anyone who wants to see it.

Thanks, Jim Acting Treasurer
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