[Ofa_boardplus] Treasurer's report for October

Jim Ryan jimdryan at gmail.com
Thu Nov 21 16:28:29 PST 2019

This is a routine report with modest changes in all accounts, with the
exception of correcting some earlier failures to post. As a point of
reference, work with the Linux Foundation (LF) on our 2020 budget is

Our net income was a loss of $4,861 because Contractors’ costs were not
posted last month, for some reason. YTD was a loss of $35,727.

We’re coming into the dues renewal period, so these monthly and accrued
losses are to be expected.

Our cash position decreased slightly to $275,457.

Our accumulated surplus decreased to $239,211.

Comments/questions are more than welcome, whether to me or the group. I’ll
send the actual report to anyone who wants to see it.

Thanks, Jim Acting Treasurer
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