[Ofa_boardplus] OFA June Board Meeting Agenda

Grun, Paul paul.grun at hpe.com
Thu Jun 25 10:05:54 PDT 2020

Click here to join the Board meeting.<https://zoom.us/j/252833073>

Or one-tap mobile numbers are:
+16699006833,,252833073# (U.S. San Jose)
+16465588656,,252833073# (U.S. New York)

Or Telephone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location)
US: +1 669 900 6833 (U.S. San Jose, CA)
+1 646 558 8656 (New York, NY)
Meeting ID: 252 833 073

Find your localnumber https://zoom.us/u/aeDZjLfkbw.

From: Ofa_boardplus <ofa_boardplus-bounces at lists.openfabrics.org> On Behalf Of Grun, Paul
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2020 11:12 PM
To: ofa_boardplus at lists.openfabrics.org, <ofa_boardplus at lists.openfabrics.org>
Subject: [Ofa_boardplus] OFA June Board Meeting Agenda

This is the second of two significant meetings.  Please make every effort to attend.

  *   Change the requirements for Treasurer to allow a non-Promoter Member to serve
  *   Discuss opening of nominations for Treasurer (contingent on the above)
  *   First Reading for FSDP documents - Acceptable Use Policy, FSDP WG Charter
  *   Consider launching a mailing list for the proposed Unified Fabric Manager
  *   Officer Elections - Secretary, Chair, Vice Chair
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