[Ofa_boardplus] OFA Bylaws and IPR policy - Intel feedback

Kolar, Divya divya.kolar at intel.com
Tue Sep 15 10:12:50 PDT 2020

Intel does not see anything in the current bylaws and IPR policy that we would not support. Only suggested change would be in the member withdrawal section. Suggest adding text in red.

"Withdrawal. Even after the date a Participant formally withdraws from a working group and ceases all participation (the "Withdrawal Date"), a Participant will be obligated to license those claims that became Necessary Claims prior to the Withdrawal Date and which are present in the relevant Specification at the time of approval by the Board, as well as Necessary Claims that read on portions of future versions of a Specification that existed prior to the Withdrawal Date if the portions are substantially the same as in the Specification as it was approved prior to the Withdrawal Date. Otherwise, no new obligations attach post Withdrawal Date."

Divya Kolar
D 503-712-2710 / M 971-285-0494

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