[Ofa_boardplus] Treasurer's report - August

Jim Ryan jimdryan at gmail.com
Thu Sep 17 12:44:28 PDT 2020

Cash position continued to decrease slowly to $228,090. Accumulated surplus
increased again to $231,956.

Net income was a loss of $9,675, the biggest single-month loss of the
year. This is a direct result of reversing $12,500 in sponsorship income
that was booked earlier in the year. Net income YTD is a loss of $58,980
against a full-year plan of a loss of $49,192.

We are continuing to see over-budget expenses for the Executive Director,
but this is now down to being only 5%

Comments/questions are more than welcome, whether to me or the group. I’ll
send the actual report to anyone who wants to see it.

Thanks, Jim, Treasurer
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