[ofiwg] FI Architecture slides for OFI WG meeting tomorrow

Hefty, Sean sean.hefty at intel.com
Tue May 20 18:56:59 PDT 2014

I've attached a version 2 of the architecture slides that I presented today.  If anyone has questions or comments, please feel free to chime in on the mail lists.  The changes are:

I added a note clarifying that this is conceptual, and that the objects mentioned may not actually be directly mapped to a specific software structure or class as defined.  That level of detail would still be worked out.  As just a possible example, it may not make sense for provider interfaces to be derived from a base object.

This version removes the 'interface' object and instead adds that capability as an operation of the base class.  This more easily allows any object to be extended.

I also added an SRQ object for sharing buffers among multiple endpoints.

Finally, I defined a new object, and EQ group, which is a collection of EQs.  The definition of an EQ group is related to the progress model identified at the end of the slides.

- Sean

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