[ofiwg] creating a table with markdown

Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) jsquyres at cisco.com
Wed Jan 7 13:46:44 PST 2015

If someone wants to convert the man pages to RST and convert the cron scripty-foo to do the Right Stuff to re-generate the man pages and keep the live web site updated, feel free...

More specifically: I don't really care MD vs. RST; I just can't justify the time to convert the existing stuff.

(FWIW: I literally moved the cron scripty-foo to the ofiwg-bot user on flatbed.openfabrics.org earlier today)

On Jan 7, 2015, at 3:06 PM, Jason Gunthorpe <jgunthorpe at obsidianresearch.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 07, 2015 at 07:53:35PM +0000, Hefty, Sean wrote:
>>> FWIW, we chose to use markdown because it plays well in the github
>>> environment.  E.g., markdown is natively rendered as web pages in the
>>> github web page-hosting environment.
>> Using github flavored markdown, I can get something that might confuse a reader into thinking that they're looking at a table.  But the conversion to man pages needs help.
>> Jason, have you tried creating tables using RST?
> rst2man input:
> ===========
> =====  === ===
> Table  Col Col
> =====  === ===
> Line   a   b
> Line2  c   d
> =====  === ===
> Gives:
>                                                   +------+-----+-----+
>                                                   |Table | Col | Col |
>                                                   +------+-----+-----+
>                                                   |Line  | a   | b   |
>                                                   +------+-----+-----+
>                                                   |Line2 | c   | d   |
>                                                   +------+-----+-----+
> (the table is centered in my terminal)
> FWIW, quick start for a RST man page:
> .. Copyright 2014 BLAH. See COPYING.
> ======
> cmd
> ======
> ----------------------------------
> 1 line summary of command
> ----------------------------------
> :Author: Jason Gunthorpe <jgunthorpe at obsidianresearch.com>
> :Organization: Obsidian Research Corp.
> :Date: January, 2015
> :Manual section: 8
> :Copyright: Copyright BLAH. See COPYING.
> ========
> ``cmd`` ``--help``
> ===========
> [..]
> ========
> -- 
> Jason Gunthorpe <jgunthorpe at obsidianresearch.com>        (780)4406067x832
> Chief Technology Officer, Obsidian Research Corp         Edmonton, Canada

Jeff Squyres
jsquyres at cisco.com
For corporate legal information go to: http://www.cisco.com/web/about/doing_business/legal/cri/

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