[ofiwg] Kfabric github repo available

Smith, Stan stan.smith at intel.com
Thu Jun 25 11:59:15 PDT 2015

  The initial Kfabric framework (Kernel Fabric Interface) contribution from Intel is available from github.com as
'git clone https://github.com/ofiwg/kfabric.git'.

There is much work to be done .... For those wanting to participate in development please consider the following course of action:

Create github.com personal account.
Fork https://github.com/ofiwg/kfabric.git to your personal repro
Clone personal repro to your development system.
Develop code and patches.
Push to personal github.com repro
Generate a pull-request to ofiwg/kfabric.git
Kfabric maintainer will be in touch.

Kfabric current state:
kfi framework:   kfabric.ko
kfi verbs provider skeleton: kfip_verbs.ko
kfit_getinfo.ko - fi_getinfo() test.
kfit_verbs_mm2_svr.ko, kfit_verbs_mm2_cli.ko - Pass messages via 'connected' kfi endpoints.
All modules load/unload, (all fi_* functions return -ENOSYS as the provider is only a skeleton)
see TODO list for details.

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